Dear Members
As you all know the strategic plan for the golf club was agreed by Council and presented to members last year and this report seeks to give members an update on progress on that plan made by the various committees over the latter part of the year.
Business & Strategy
The golf course master plan has been agreed and is being implemented and members will have seen the work completed on the course thus far from the weekly newsletter. The adverse weather has effected work but it is still progressing well and is due to finish on time. We continue to monitor the cost of work very closely as the substantial rainfall has highlighted potential issues with the drainage in certain areas of the course.
As part of the strategic plan the Clubs values have been agreed and shared with members and have been incorporated within Club literature.
Whilst a 5-year plan has been developed, further work is currently ongoing with the detailed Capital plans and this should be completed this year. A review of the security of the club together with the car park facilities will also be completed this year.
House Committee
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have helped improve the standards of the Food, Beverage and Services offered in the clubhouse, and new events have been introduced throughout the year.
Senior management participate in the budget process and are tasked, as part of their appraisals to deliver an excellent experience to both members and guests.
The popularity of the Birkdale experience is being enjoyed by significantly more visitors and every social event is reviewed to determine where improvements can be made.
We have also seen investment in improvements in the upstairs toilets and the kitchen facilities and have also replaced the outdated starters cabin.
Handicap & Fixtures
In accordance with members’ wishes, a more varied range of competitions and events has been introduced.
Pace of play will continue to be monitored throughout the year and any emerging trends will be addressed. In the coming season, visitors will only be able to play Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, together with a few Sunday bookings.
Visitor pace of play will also be monitored, and a course ranger will be employed to encourage an appropriate pace of play.
Course Committee
Work on the Course Master Plan is progressing well, and the Course architect and Council are delighted with the progress. A Golf Course Policy document and SOP’s will be produced in the coming 6 months.
The Golf Course Manager is fully involved in the budget process and KPI’s will be introduced once the first phase of the Course Master Plan is completed.
Membership Committee
A thorough induction process for new members has been introduced and is more professional and welcoming. The junior programme has been reviewed and the transition to full membership has become more transparent.
The International membership process has been reviewed but no changes have been made to the joining requirements.
Gender Review
A plan is in place for the redistribution of the Ladies and Mens Boards throughout the Clubhouse.
A review of how to promote the advancement of gender equality within the club will be undertaken by a Sub Committee and a plan and proposed timetable will be produced.
Championship Committee
Communication and Branding
In summary Council have made significant strides in delivering elements of the Strategic plan since sharing it with the Members, but there is obviously more work to be done. The continuing work on the Course Masterplan and preparations for hosting the Open in 2026 will be key areas of focus over the coming 12 months.
The Club Council - March 2024